Professional Dating App Development Services
Social Media Login
User can login and start using the app just by using their social media credentials.
Profile Management
User can manage their profiles that include their photos, personal information and contact details.
Find nearby dates
Users can see a variety of nearby dates and exercise their choice.
Swipe feature for showing interest / not interested
Users can express their liking or disliking for any available dates just by swiping left or right.
Create and share post
Users can make fresh content posts and share those posts for other users to reach out.
Like, dislike, comment
Users can like, dislike and comment on various posts and profiles.
Match with the right date
Users can find the match with their right date and can engage with them.
Chat, Audio and Video Call feature
Users can use chat messaging, audio and video calling feature to connect to dates and other profiles.
Profile Management
The admin is able to manage all user profiles registered with the app.
User Management
The admin can manage all the app users as per the rules and the standard practices.
Payment Management
Admin panel takes care of origin easing and managing payments made by the user through different payment methods and gateways.
Black list User
Admin can also black-list some users with records of abuses and malpractices.
Featured profiles management
The admin will also choose some users for featured profiles.
“Bad words” customizable filter
The admin to make the platform clean and civic will use a custom filter to stop the use of abusive words.
Why Dating App Development Services?
Knowing New People
A dating app development services allowing people to know and mingle with new people extends the social space.