Excellent In-App Features of E-Learning App
Login & Registration
Allows users to register and log in effortlessly.
Profile Management
Enables users to manage their personal profiles seamlessly.
Search & Explore
Users can browse and view a range of available courses.
Course Details
Contact tutors, check availability, and view detailed course overviews.
Course Enrollment
Users can purchase courses using secure payment methods like Visa or MasterCard.
Order History
Provides access to users’ past course purchase records.
Set Availability & Attend
Users can schedule and attend Zoom-based course sessions.
Login & Registration
Mentors register and log in with unique credentials.
Profile Management
Access and manage user profiles easily.
Course Listings
View and update detailed course curricula.
Progress History
Track learners’ progress through the curriculum.
Schedule Meetings
Arrange study sessions and one-on-one meetings with users.
Online Sessions
Conduct interactive virtual classes and mentoring sessions.
User Management
Manage user accounts and monitor activities.
Mentor Management
Oversee and organize mentor profiles.
Reviews Management
Monitor mentor reviews and ratings for quality assurance.
Payment Management
Handle course payments and manage financial records.
Why Create an E-Platform ?
Anywhere, Anytime Learning
E-learning platforms provide learners with 24/7 access to educational materials, fostering flexibility and convenience in acquiring knowledge.