Enormous Features of On-Demand Psychologist Hiring App
Registration page
Patients or users can easily register themselves to the app to access the services easily.
Manage profile
After registering, add up the details into the app as well as integrate the location for better services.
Search and filters
Users can easily access the search and filter options for advanced searching.
Check nearby Psychologist
Users can easily check the nearby registered psychologist to get the details of the nearby psychologist.
Availability time
Check the availability of the psychologist for getting their details.
Booking module
Book an appointment based on the user and psychologist’s availability.
Video call integration
Users can also take consultancy on the video call as video call is integrated into it.
Make payments
Users can also make payments online by using this app.
Add reviews
Add reviews and ratings to the mobile app.
Account verification
A psychologist can easily verify their account before creating a profile on the app.
Add relevant information
The psychologist can easily add up the relevant details into the app about the services they provide.
Set and update availability
App users can easily set and update the availability in the app.
Manage patient details
An online platform can add up the details of the patient or users can also add up the details by themselves.
Manage past records
The psychologist can check the past records of the patient for future reference.
Track patient performance
In an app solution, it will be much easier to check and track the patient’s performance.
Video call integration
Video call is integrated into the app for online consultancy and easy connectivity.
Generate reports
A psychologist can also generate a performance report weekly or monthly through this app.
Management of the payments
Track and manage the payments easily through this app
Dashboard management
Admin can easily manage the dashboard and track down the performance easily from any place and at any time.
Manage patient profile
Admin can easily manage the patient profile and their data for future reference.
Manage psychologist profile
Admin can easily manage the psychologist and their data for future reference.
Manage and track earning
Admin can easily track the overall earnings and manage them properly with the help of the mobile app solution.
Ads revenue management
Admin can easily manage or add up the ads revenue details into the app.
Offers management
Admin can easily add up the discounts and offers based on the festival season.
Push notification
Admin has full access to send the notification of updates to the customers.
Manage reviews
Admin can easily manage the reviews and make the improvement accordingly.
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Convenient methods
As this mobile app is globally available in the market, so this is very convenient for the patient to connect with the psychologist and access the services from any place no limitation on location is there.