Cooking Recipe App is one of the best solutions for people who love cooking food. If we can observe then we can easily say that in today’s time various people like cooking or they like to make different-different food items. 

Nowadays we can clearly see that a variety of food items are introduced in the market. It is very easy for people to learn cooking through the online method and due to which various cooking recipe apps are introduced in these 5-6 years.

In this present time, Due to the involvement of technology in every field now it is very easy to utilize the advantages of technology. Each and every business, industry or startups are now using technology for the betterment of business as well as for the customers.

Why is a Cooking Recipe app required?

Food lovers are always seeking a variety of foods and for that, they need to cook Different-Different food items and for that, they need a perfect recipe for guidance. In earlier times it was very difficult for people to find the cooking recipe, for cooking something different they need to ask their relatives or friend.

For the people, who are new beginners in these cooking fields it is also difficult for them to learn new cooking dishes and become an expert in cooking.

As a solution, now various cooking recipe apps are introduced in the market. So, in this present time, it is very easy for all the cooking lovers as well as foody to cook and eat a variety of food with the help of the various cooking recipe apps. In the Cooking recipe app, you will find the tutorial as well as the list of material required for preparing the dish.

Here in this article, we are going to discuss the Cooking recipe app, the benefits of cooking recipe app, why it is beneficial to launch a cooking recipe app, the basic key features of a cooking recipe app and the cost of developing a Cooking recipe app.

What are the benefits of the Cooking Recipe app?

Here we are going to discuss the benefits of having a Cooking Recipe app in the market for the people who love cooking or foody:

  • Hundred and thousands of receipts are listed in a Cooking recipe app.
  • Users can get the list of materials before preparing the dish.
  • In the cooking recipe app, User gets the step by step instruction of preparing food.
  • The user gets the easy guidance of preparing food via video or images.
  • Users can share the images as well as the recipe of food if they have a recipe for preparing new dishes.
  • Users can communicate with each other and share their thoughts with each other.

Why is it profitable to launch a Cooking Recipe app?

If you are thinking of launching an online platform for generating profit then you can launch a Cooking recipe app in the market. As we can clearly see the dependence towards web and app solutions are increasing because this online platform provides the best solution as well as perfect guidance to food lovers as well as to the people who like to cook food.

Very few kinds of solutions are available in the market. So if you are thinking of launching any Mobile app solution then you can launch your own cooking recipe app. Cooking recipe apps also help you to generate revenue from various new ways.

Let’s know the way of generating revenue from a cooking recipe app solution:

  • In-app Advertisement integration:- Allow third-party services to use your platform for displaying ads of their services.
  • Launch premium as well as subscription model of the app.
  • Provide services as membership offers to customers.

Cooking Reciep App Solution - The App Ideas

What are the key features, which we provide for a cooking recipe app?

As we have discussed, the Cooking recipe app like app solution is in high demand in today’s market because it is very helpful for the people who love cooking as well as for the people who like to learn cooking.

Cooking recipe app mainly consists of two main panels. Let’s discuss the two features of the cooking recipe app in more detail.

User Panel

  • User login module.
  • Users can create their profile.
  • Search bar.
  • Access top suggestion dishes recipe.
  • View the name dishes along with its recipe list.
  • Access Photo gallery.
  • Video tutorial for the guidance of cooking.
  • Add the recipe to favourite list.
  • Add personal notes to the recipe.
  • Upload recipe.
  • Chat and connect with other users.
  • Allowance of social sharing.
  • Manage profile.
  • Reviews and ratings 

Admin Login

  • Admin login module.
  • Manage users profile.
  • Manage categories and subcategories of the recipe.
  • Manage the cooking recipe list as well as the process.
  • Ads management.
  • Premium and subscription feature management.
  • Content management.
  • Upload and manage images or videos.
  • Track the app performance and generate reports.
  • Push notification.

Cooking Reciep App - The App Ideas

How much does it cost to develop a Cooking recipe app?

The cost of developing a cooking recipe app mainly depends on some of the factors. Let’s know the facts which affect the cost of Cooking recipe app are :

  • App designing.
  • App complexity.
  • Technology platform (Android, IOS or both).
  • Features and functionality of the app.
  • Developers experience.

Here I am going to list down the approximate  timeline as well as the cost of developing a cooking recipe app:


  • App Design:- 9 Working Days
  • Android App Development:- 25 Working Days
  • iOS App Development:- 25 Working Days
  • Web Backend & Apis:- 30 Working Days
  • Testing, Bug fixing, and Deployment:- 7 Working Days


  • The approximate cost of developing a Cooking Recipe app is 5000-8000 USD.

The App Ideas is one of the leading web and app development company. We have a skilful and experienced team of developers who provide the best solution for all kinds of website and mobile app development.

We have worked on a similar kind of mobile app solution, so we definitely provide you with the best as well as a unique solution for developing a cooking recipe app.

Would You Like To Develop a Cooking Reciepe App?