In this digital era, an event planner and management website is crucial, streamlining tasks and enhancing efficiency. Nowadays, numerous industries rely on technology to improve their services and boost their net income.

Today, if we clearly observe people are more inclined towards the digital services for their daily services requirements like online shopping, online booking of hotels or transportation and online food ordering.

Along with every industry or department, Technology is also introduced in the event planning and event management field for the advancement as well as upgrading of the services.

Why does every event company make an Event planner and Event management website?

Why does every event company make an Event planner and Event management website?

Yes, it is very profitable as well as beneficial for the event companies or startups to have an event planner and management website. As we have already discussed, nowadays everyone is liking or accepting online services because it makes the work easier or efficient for the people as they can easily manage or keep records of the event.

Some cool facts and figures about the event planner and event management website.

  • Some famous and popular event planner and management websites are Eventbrite, meetup, hangtime etc.
  • As per research, many small scales, as well as large scale businesses, are using events for increasing their sales and profit because events really help to grab the attention of new customers.
  • Around 70-80% of the event organizers use this kind of event planner and management website or software.
  • By utilizing such kind of software helps you to save approximately 19-20 hours a month.
  • Around $4 billion was invested in this modern event management solution in the year 2023.

How an event planner and management website is beneficial for an event planner company owner?

How an event planner and management website is beneficial for an event planner company owner?

If you are running an event planner company then you can launch your own event planner website. By having an event planner website you can easily manage the events and keep the records of your client in a well-set database.

Having an Event planner website helps you to reach as many people as you can through the online medium as well as website help you in an easy advertisement as well as marketing.

And the main advantages of having an event planner and management website is that it can help you in generating more profit as well as it will definitely help you in increasing the number of customers as well as loyalty towards your event planner company.

How an Event Management website is beneficial for an Event Planner Startup?

Yes, it is very beneficial for the event planning startup. If you are planning to start an Event planner company startup then you must plan to launch an event planner and event management website at the very initial stage for the success of the Startup.

Event management website help you to easily grab more attention from the customer as very few events management services provide the event planner startup website.

An Event planner and event management website is really a great idea for initiating a new startup. Organization events, social gatherings, work events, family functions, business meetings, live concert, business conferences and many more, all these activities are part of an event planning startup.

One more benefit of having an event planning website is that you can easily monetize your event planner and event management website. Let’s discuss,

How to monetize the Event Management website?

You can easily generate extra revenue from an event management website, lets me list down some of the key points of earning revenue from an event management website:

  • By integrating the advertisement services, or by allowing the third party to display their ads in your platform.
  • Charge services fees to the users on then event tickets which you can sell.
  • You can provide the freemium or subscription model of the services, in which your user has to pay extra money for accessing advanced features.
  • You can easily charge the commission from the event organizers that listed their services in your platform.

What are the key features of an Event Planner Website?

Before launching an Event Planner and Event management website, you must be aware of some of the key features of an event planner website:

  • An event planner website consists of a home page which consists of a brief detail of your event company as well as services.
  • Upcoming details of the events.
  • Event booking module.
  • Video as well as photo gallery which attract more users.
  • Easy payment options.
  • Search for the event.
  • Blogs and blogs details.
  • Help and support module.
  • Social media integration.
  • Review and rating module.
  • Admin can easily make the record of the customers by managing the database.
  • The staff as well as recruiter management.
  • Event marketing as well as advertising tools.
  • Coupon code or discount offers.

How much does it cost to develop an Event Planner and Management Website?

How much does it cost to develop an Event Planner and Management Website?

The cost of developing an event planner and management website mainly depends on some of the factors like:

  • Pages of the website.
  • UI/UX design.
  • Basic features.
  • Advanced functionality.
  • Technology or platform which you want for the development of the website.

As it is difficult to tell the exact cost of developing an event planner and event management website, here I am listing the approximate cost of developing an Event planner website and the approximate timeline of developing an Event Planner website:

Timeline & Costing:-

  • Frontend design and development:-100-200 Hours.
  • Backend Design & Development:- 100-140 Hours.
  • Testing, Bug fixing, Project Management & Deployment:- 30-50 Hours.

Total Hours:- 590-830 Hours

Estimated cost: – 5900-8300 USD (If we count at the rate of 10 USD/hour only)

We are from The App Ideas, a leading web and mobile app development company. Along with providing the best solution for all kinds of mobile application, we are also expertise in developing a website and with this, we also provide the unique designing which helps you in increasing more traffic to your website and which leads to generating more profit.

Would you like to launch an Event Planner and management website for gaining more profit?