Online dating through using a dating apps is also a part of this modern era by using online dating you can find someone special or your dream person. As we all know this is a digital world, from shopping to bill payment everything is done through online services.

This online dating has become a way to find someone special or some people use it for making new friends. Apps like Tinder, Bumble, Cupid are the most popular dating app used by young people to find their love.

But Currently some dating apps are failing or user get bored to use and by this, some people don’t refer to use dating app because the user finds it boring and time-wasting but what’s the reason of failing dating apps?


Here I am listing the problem with the solution, that’s why dating apps fail?

1. UI/UX of dating app

Problem- As you have launched a dating app with all the features and functionality which user like but what if the lookup of your dating app does not match with the word dating? You have invested a lot of money on this project but still, you are not getting profit because the user doesn’t like the UI/UX or the overall user interaction platform of your app, the user finds it boring and complex to use at the end they uninstall the app.

Solution- If you are thinking of launching a dating app, first, you need to pre-plan the things. Make the document of your requirement or blueprint and then take feedback or review it with some user and make changes accordingly in your app. Refer to another popular dating app also, to get an idea about the layout of the dating app. Select the best deployment company, which has experience and help you out to make the amazing dating app with best and Unique UI/UX design.

2. Poor app performance

Problem:- Sometimes user find issue in login/sign-in module. Sometimes they find difficult to open their account. And when this happens every time, users get irritated and finally delete their account and uninstall the app. Crash occurs when the user has not installed the new version of your dating app or this is also because they have low storage space.

Solution- To avoids the crashing problem, your app or the dating app must be of several Megabytes(MB). Keep the size small and concize, as users mostly prefer the app(dating app) which don’t occupy much space in their storage and can be used easily. Before launching, testing can be done efficiently.

3. Security glitches

Problem- This is the most important thing to take care of apps like dating app many app fails because there is no privacy or security provided. If there is no security, user account gets hacked by a hacker and can be misused. There must a privacy in any app, by which user feel secure and can customize their account settings accordingly. Some dating app don’t provide any security, and user denied anything if there is no security.

Solution– Design your dating app in such a way that user feel secure to use it. Add some more feature of privacy like, user can customize their profile settings by allowing only some people to view their information or pic, add the private chat window, user can block unblock anyone when it is required and  their account is protected by a proper  password, so less chances of to get hacked by user.

4. Make Proper strategic of Marketing

Problem– Sometimes the app owner has designed the project(dating app) and it is developed and deployed easily, it is launched in the market. This dating app has all the functionality and all the features that make it unique from other dating app, but people don’t know about this app. Why? Because the owner didn’t prepare any marketing strategy for their app, they directly launched it. But if people/user don’t know about the product how they try or use your dating app?

Solution- Before launching your dating app, plan a strong marketing strategy and do marketing of your app. There are various ways of doing marketing, here I am listing some of the ways of marketing a dating app:-

  • Paid advertising.
  • Cause marketing
  • Relationship marketing.
  • Undercover marketing.
  • Word of mouth.
  • Internet marketing.
  • Transactional marketing.
  • Diversity marketing.

5. Lack of localized presence

Problem-Without doing a survey of the area, the owner laughed their app or dating app and their app fails or there is no user who is using your app. What if the people of that particular area don’t use smartphones?What if that area has less number of youngsters? as a dating app is mostly used by young people. This is also one reason for the failure of the dating app.

Solution- Before launching a dating app do survey about that area where you are going to launch it first. Launch your dating app first in an area, then go for the city and then slowly jump for national and international platform.

6. Target right people

Problem- The owner who wants their dating app and want to make it popular forget about the target audience. Generally, they do the marketing of their app, ready to invest in the marketing of their dating app but if they are not targeting the right audience for their app there is no meaning of marketing as the people who are future customers don’t know about the product or app.

Solution- The solution to this problem is, first to find out the right people who are going to use your app. And for a dating app right target audience is youngster or the people who are in between 20-35 age. So for marketing target only these people, and invest correctly. For an example Facebook dating app is first launched for a college student, only college student can use the dating app as they are the target people for a dating app.

7. Too many ads

Problem- Some dating app shows many adds, for the sake of more money they allow many advertisements in their app, and after some point, users get annoyed of too much advertisement as the advertisement waste their time and sometimes it covers the important content. And user pissed off and delete their account and uninstall the app. This is applicable to all users because they hate advertisements.

Solution- Solution to this problem is don’t allow much advertisement in your dating app, as users get annoyed by much advertisement. It doesn’t mean to stop advertisement but allow in some limit, show less advertisement. Also, provide an option of purchasing premium where no advertisement is shown to the user. So they can go for a premium also And stick to your dating app.

8. Aggressive approach for premium services

Problem- As people have just installed your app, created his/her account and suddenly after a minute all the features are locked and start forcing them to take the premium of that particular dating app to use all the features. This is not the right thing as per user because as they haven’t used the app till and they are forced to take premium. And user switch to another dating app which has better service than your app.

Solution- To avoids such a problem, don’t force your user to take premium instantly. Give some time to use your app and after some period of time notify about the extra feature which they can use after taking the premium. Don’t lock all the features, provide some free service also to attract user who doesn’t use premium service as first preference.

9. Neglecting users feedback

Problem- Sometimes your dating app is working well initially  UI/UX is also better but sometimes user face some problems like there information is not stored properly, some navigation is not proper, some services are not working properly after some period of time. These things bother the user and they complain about it, and if you didn’t take care of those requests then they stop using your dating app.

Solution- Before deployment of a dating app or any kind of app, testing must be required. By testing the app, developer or owner get to know the issue which can be faced by the user at the time. Better to fix that thing before launching it. Some people first launch the beta version and then go for the original one. Time to time maintenance of the app is required to keep it upgraded.

10. fake profiles


Problem- If your dating app does not have any feature which can verify the fake user and block them immediately or not allow them to log in again then your dating app loose users faith & trust and it fails. Fake profile disturbs genuine people, distract them or waste their time. After a certain point user refuses to use the app.

Solution- Add one feature to your dating app, when a user creates their account for the first time, verify their phone number, email address or request them to verify their account. Add filter which can report and spam the account which is highly blocked by the user. By doing this we can reduce the number of fake accounts from our dating app and also reduce the chance of failure of our dating app.

11. No-unique features

Problem- Main reason for the failure of a dating app is, as we all know there are various dating apps available in the market. If you are not providing different and unique features then definitely user won’t switch to your app. Because there is high competition in the market, to stand out different you must have to go for a unique dating app.

Solution- Simple solution to this problem is, convert your dating app into a unique dating app. How to do this? Add unique feature, make it simpler to use, provide all the possible features to the user.

12. Ignoring users feedback

Problem- Generally after deployment of the app, the owner thinks now their work and responsibilities is over but no it can’t work like this, you have to take seriously and work on the review and feedback which is given by your customers or users. But normally no one cares about the feedback whether it is positive or negative. And when the user faces the same use and find no one there to reply or fix the problem, they switch to another dating app.

Solution- Solution to this issue is to solve or fix the problem of your user. Take the negative feedback as positive, work on the problem and then reply to the user take feedback again if they still face the same problem or their problem is solved. Take seriously feedback which is given by your customers and be active for replying. This help to retain your user and this helps your dating app to become popular as you also get referrals user.

13. Not much functionality in app

Problem– Some dating app don’t have good functionality like no undo or unmatch of the right swipe, no feature to customize the message settings, not much secure to use and no censor or filter is inbuilt as there is not much functionality it makes people bored and this is one of the reasons for switching.

Solution- When you are planning for making a dating app, list down all the basic features or we can say must features. Analyze it, for more information you can refer the most popular dating app like Cupid or Tinder. And after referring to create your feature list, design layout, decide the colour of your app, select the platform (Android or IOS or both) and choose the best partners for development of the app.

14. Complex matchmaking algorithms

Problem- In market there is a various dating app, and each and every dating app works on a different matching algorithm. Some app works only on location-based, it shows the profile near to user location. Apps like Tinder basically works on looks (images or pictures)of the people, like if both the person right swipe then they get matched and they go further chatting or for a date according to their choices. But some people find it a waste of time as they are looking for a partner to settle down, but as per this algorithm they matched but after some time they find they are not compatible with each other. According to them, they have just wasted their time on this.

Solution- Solution to this problem is to design such an algorithm which help the user to get their partner who is compatible with them. Before matching add some questions or quiz to help them to test themselves for each other. Or add some more layers of quizzes or questions which helps them to find someone for whom they are looking for or using a dating app.

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